NPK 100% Water Soluble Fertilizer Range
Moisture Percent By Weight Max. 1.5%
Total Nitrogen Percent by Weight Min. 12.0%
Ammoniacal Nitrogen Percent by Weight Min. 7.0%
Nitrate Nitrogen Percent by Weight Max. 5.0%
Natural Ammonium Citrate Soluble Phosphate (as P205) Percent by Weight Min. 11.0%
Water Soluble phosphate (as P205) Percent by Weight Min. 8%
Water Soluble Potash (as 1<20) Percent by Weight Min. 18.0%
Magnesium (as Mg) Percent by Weight Min. 1%
Sulphur (as S) Percent by Weight Min. 7.5
Total Chlorides (as Cl) Percent by Weight Max. 1.0%
-> Particle size - Note less than 90 Percent of the Material shall pass through 4 mm IS sieve and be retained on 1 mm IS sieve and not more than 5 percent shall be below 1 m IS sieve